On Tuesday, 5 October, the "Apriņķa avīze" supplement "Kodols" published Vija Beinertes' Covid-19 experience story: "It definitely helped that my husband and I regularly go to exercise in Dr.Bubnovska center. We first sweat for an hour in the gym and then indulge in a cold water and sauna ritual. Dr Bubnovsky's method not only stretches and strengthens the muscles, but also makes us learn to breathe with the diaphragm. This creates a feeling of well-being, regulates blood pressure and strengthens immunity".
Read the full article here: http://www.aprinkis.lv/index.php/viedokli/27990-vija-beinerte-ka-es-uzveicu-slepkavu-jeb-mans-covid-19-pieredzes-stasts